Comprehensive Car Insurance

Based on how you drive

UbiCar application 3 screenshots

How it works

We take the guesswork out of insurance and use technology to provide you with the lowest price

We believe Insurance should be fair

If you drive . you should pay less for your car insurance

"UbiCar helps make safer drivers and reduce insurance costs"

News logo

"New driver tracking app can save you big on car insurance"

“Pay less for car insurance if you’re a good driver”

7 News logo

"The disrupter UBI is offering insurance base on how you drive."

“UbiCar is a Free App that Rewards Drivers for Safe Driving”

For more reviews and media mentions please click here

What UbiCar customers say

Savings and benefits users now enjoy since switching to UbiCar*
Luana testimonial

"My massive monthly savings
are fantastic for my family"

Luana - New South Wales
Jillian testimonial

“UbiCar has motivated me to be a better,
safer and more considerate driver."

Jillian - South Australia
Luke testimonial

“UbiCar doesn’t stereotype like other
insurance companies.“

Luke - New South Wales

*Savings are factual and based on comparison between the customer’s current Comprehensive Car Insurance policy with UbiCar as of December 2018 and their policy with their previous insurer. Premiums and savings may differ depending on individual circumstance.

Who can save with UbiCar


Most frequent questions and answers

UbiCar is here to disrupt the Australian insurance industry by giving drivers a fairer premium based on HOW they drive, not simply based on their demographics. The UbiCar app is free to use, and tracks your driving using telematics, so we can give you a driver score. UbiCar safe drivers can make substantial savings on their car insurance premiums based on their driver score. We are 100% Australian Company, and proud of it!

Usage based insurance is personalised car insurance based on your driving style and how your car is driven. UbiCar Insurance uses telematics to measure your driving and reward safe driving with lower premiums.

If you drive well, you are less likely have an accident, so it makes sense that you should pay less for your insurance – that’s fair and that’s what UbiCar aims to deliver. We’re making sure that premiums for car insurance are fair one policy at a time.

The UbiCar app tracks your driving (think braking, cornering, phone distraction, acceleration and speeding) and uses that information to give you a driver score and calculate your premium. The better driver you are, the better your premium will be. The UbiCar App is free in the app stores.

Your driving score reflects how safe a driver you are, ranging from 40 to 100. The higher the score, the safer the driver! The primary elements of driving behaviour that go into these calculations are your speed, harsh braking and acceleration, cornering, and mobile phone distraction. Your driving behaviour is monitored across a variety of trips to give you an average score. You can monitor your scores through your free UbiCar App.

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